
We invite you to enjoy exploring Bernie’s gorgeous paintings on these pages.

And if you find a piece (or pieces) you would like to own, make an offer. We will happily negotiate with you!

The price of any original painting shown on this site—and also any print offered at $150 or more—is negotiable. Contact Martha Marks to find the perfect price for you.

Martha’s Betting on Bernie, A Memoir of a Marriage is garnering great reviews on Amazon in standard paperback, large-print paperback, Kindle e-book and an audiobook that Martha read with a co-narrator.

About Bernard Marks Fine Art

Bernard Marks passed away in December 2020. He was 82 and had painted for most of his long, happy life. He sold a lot of art, too, thereby brightening many other people’s lives, homes, and offices.

Since Bernie’s death, his wife Martha—who first built this website for him in 2014—has expanded and updated it to honor his memory while also showcasing and offering for sale…

  • original paintings never before seen outside their home,
  • originals previously displayed in galleries and art shows,
  • originals and large, top-quality giclée prints of newer paintings, and
  • smaller but still excellent giclées of paintings sold years ago.

Every piece shown on this site — oil, acrylic, or watercolor — can be beautifully printed with one or more fine giclée options. The type, size, and price of a print will depend on the medium of the original painting and the size of its digital photo file.

Paintings photographed and sold years ago produce excellent prints, but they can’t be as large as prints made from newer paintings.

HOVER your cursor over any image on this site to see its name and availability. CLICK to go to its individual page.

There are three main groups of paintings here:

  1. Oils and Acrylics
  2. Watercolor Landscapes
  3. Watercolor Figures

From those section pages, follow the internal links to see Bernie’s unique artwork, organized by medium, location or subject.

Bernard Marks wrote this in 2010 for a magazine article about his paintings:

Bernard Marks

Bernard Marks, 2004

“Nature is the inspiration for most of my art. I’ve painted in dozens of America’s national parks and monuments, traveled the back roads, and explored historic cities, rural towns, and coastal areas.

“Unlike my older watercolors, which were mostly done en plein air (outside, on location), I now paint all my oil and acrylic works in my Santa Fe studio from sketches, photos, and watercolor studies made on the spot in the gorgeous places I visit. Those trips, usually made with Martha, are among the happiest moments of my life. I love exploring this beautiful country and capturing its natural splendor on canvas or paper. My fondest hope is that people enjoy viewing my paintings as much as I enjoy making them.”

A welcome note from Martha Marks:

Thank you for visiting Bernard Marks Fine Art! I hope you’ll take time to explore this collection of Bernie’s remarkable paintings and perhaps even share the site with your art- and nature-loving friends, too.

Painting was Bernie’s whole world… the most important activity in his life and the way he defined himself.

Rebuilding this site since his death and adding dozens of pieces that weren’t shown here before has been therapeutic for me. In the process of cleaning out his studio, I came across many paintings that I’d never seen until then. Those discoveries actually enhanced my sense of understanding Bernie, a somewhat surprising experience after 53 years of marriage. They also gladdened my heart by reminding me of all the magnficent places we visited and how much fun we had together.

I’ve set up a COMMENTS page, and I encourage you to leave messages there. Or add your thoughts about individual paintings on their own pages.

I’ve also added a STORE and launched a SPECIAL OFFERS EMAIL LIST to offer thematic collections of Bernie’s paintings and prints, each with its own special deal. Click that link to sign up if you’d like to hear about future collections.