Sandhill Cranes at Bosque del Apache MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNIE’S BRILLIANT PAINTING OF SANDHILL CRANES AT BOSQUE DEL APACHE: Bernie and I spent many happy days at Bosque del Apache, a deservedly famous New Mexico haven for birds and other wildlife. It was...
Canyon de Chelly Homecoming MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ UNUSUAL OIL PAINTING “CANYON DE CHELLY HOMECOMING”: In “Canyon de Chelly Homecoming,” one of Bernie’s final oil paintings, he departs in a notable way from his...
Dog Walk on a Golden Day BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS LUMINOUS PAINTING “DOG WALK ON A GOLDEN DAY”: Finding a scene like “Dog Walk on a Golden Day” happening in any woodland on any lovely autumn day is reward enough for an artist. But when...
Lake Powell Pelicans BERNARD MARKS WROTE OF HIS INTRIGUING WATERCOLOR “LAKE POWELL PELICANS”: This painting, “Lake Powell Pelicans,” holds a lot of emotional resonance for me. It’s one of the first pieces that I made on the initial trip...
Horse Country BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS ICONIC WATERCOLOR PAINTING “HORSE COUNTRY”: “Horse Country” shows a real scene while reflecting the countless other similar places that Martha and I saw in our two decades of travel around the western...
Pronghorn in Buenos Aires NWR BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS STRIKING WILDLIFE PORTRAIT “PRONGHORN IN BUENOS AIREA NWR” (NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE): “Pronghorn in Buenos Aireas NWR” offers an accurate portrait of North America’s native...