Cerrillos MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ EVOCATIVE WATERCOLOR OF THE GHOST TOWN “CERRILLOS”: In this charming watercolor, Bernie captures the essence of First Street in “downtown” Cerrillos, New Mexico. Cerrillos is Spanish for...
Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ STREET-LEVEL “LORETTO CHAPEL IN SANTA FE”: Over the years, lots of photos and paintings have been made of Santa Fe’s iconic Loretto Chapel. But not many have ever moved me like...
San Miguel Church MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ “SAN MIGUEL CHURCH”: The tiny chapel that Bernie captures in his ethereal “San Miguel Church” is said to be the oldest in America. It’s situated in Santa Fe’s historic...
Santa Fe Indian Market BERNARD MARKS WROTE THIS ABOUT HIS AMAZINGLY COMPLEX OIL PAINTING “SANTA FE INDIAN MARKET”: “Santa Fe Indian Market” is a bird-eye rendition of the spectacular presentation of Native American art market that Santa Fe, New...