Winter Rapids BERNARD MARKS WROTE OF THE SWIFTLY MOVING WATER THAT HE CAPTURED IN “WINTER RAPIDS”: In the fall of 2004, Martha and I were exploring back roads high up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Near the tiny town of Red Cliff, a picturesque,...
Above the Uncompahgre MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ HUGE AND SPECTACULAR WATERCOLOR “ABOVE THE UNCOMPAGHRE”: At the height of fall 2004, Bernie and I spent three weeks in Colorado, enjoying charming old mining towns and exploring the...
Rito de los Frijoles MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ EXQUISITE “RITO DE LOS FRIJOLES”: This stream, called a “rito” in New Mexico, flows through Bandelier National Monument in the Jemez Mountains west of the Rio Grande, near Los...
Heading for High Camp MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ DELICATE WATERCOLOR “HEADING FOR HIGH CAMP”: Sometime around 2000, Bernie and I took a winter getaway to a rustic dude ranch in the Colorado Rockies. We weren’t horse riders, but...
Snow in the Canyon MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ YOU-ARE-THERE WATERCOLOR PAINTING “SNOW IN THE CANYON” This compelling piece is the result of a wintertime visit to Grand Canyon National Park that Bernie made with his plein air painting...
A Snowy Day in Santa Fe MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ EXQUISITE “A SNOWY DAY IN SANTA FE”: This lovely watercolor from The City Different is not a big painting. It’s quite small, actually, just 6″ x 6″. But still…...