Horse Carriage in Chicago #3 an “Early Bernie” watercolor MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ CHARMING “HORSE CARRIAGE IN CHICAGO #3”: Over the three decades (1969-2002) that we lived in the Chicago ‘burbs, Bernie painted many...
Horse Carriage in Chicago #2 an “Early Bernie” watercolor MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ PLEIN AIR WATERCOLOR “HORSE CARRIAGE IN CHICAGO #2”: Over the three decades (1969-2002) that we lived in the northern suburbs of Chicago....
Horse Carriage in Chicago #1 an “Early Bernie” watercolor MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ BRIGHT “HORSE CARRIAGE IN CHICAGO #1”: This is one in a series of three watercolor paintings that Bernie made en plein air (outdoors, on...
Dancer in Waiting MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS WINSOME WATERCOLOR “DANCER IN WAITING”: I honestly can’t say exactly when or where Bernie found this scene. But I’m sure he actually photographed it first. It just doesn’t seem like...
Festive Celebration MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ JOYFUL WATERCOLOR “FESTIVE CELEBRATION”: Every summer, Santa Fe, New Mexico has a series of popular outdoor events. There’s Indian Market. There’s Spanish Market. There are art...
A Snowy Day in Santa Fe MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ EXQUISITE “A SNOWY DAY IN SANTA FE”: This lovely watercolor from The City Different is not a big painting. It’s quite small, actually, just 6″ x 6″. But still…...