Morning in Ouray MARTHA MARKS NOTES ABOUT BERNARD MARKS’ ELEGANTLY SIMPLE “MORNING IN OURAY” WATERCOLOR: At the height of autumn 2004, Bernie and I were in Ouray, Colorado, enjoying that charming old mining town for the first time and spending a few...
New Orleans Is Music BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS UNIQUE, PLACE-SPECIFIC PAINTING “NEW ORLEANS IS MUSIC”: Many artists have painted picturesque New Orleans. In “New Orleans is Music,” my goal was to do something different, yet capture the...
Santa Fe Indian Market BERNARD MARKS WROTE THIS ABOUT HIS AMAZINGLY COMPLEX OIL PAINTING “SANTA FE INDIAN MARKET”: “Santa Fe Indian Market” is a bird-eye rendition of the spectacular presentation of Native American art market that Santa Fe, New...
Santa Fe Hat Dance BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS UNUSUAL AND BEAUTIFUL PANORAMA “SANTA FE HAT DANCE”: “Santa Fe Hat Dance” came about because I was hanging out in downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico, watching the crowd, enjoying how people interacted...
Taos Morning BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS GENTLE DAWN LIGHT PAINTING, “TAOS MORNING”: A few days in Taos, New Mexico, as seen in my painting “Taos Morning,” leave no doubt as to why the area has been home to so many famous artists. It’s...
Sedona BERNARD MARKS WROTE OF HIS DELICATE WATERCOLOR PAINTING “SEDONA”: The lovely town of Sedona is located in the historic Verde Valley (“Green Valley”) of northern Arizona. Its main attraction is an array of massive red sandstone...