Sandhill Cranes at Bosque del Apache MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNIE’S BRILLIANT PAINTING OF SANDHILL CRANES AT BOSQUE DEL APACHE: Bernie and I spent many happy days at Bosque del Apache, a deservedly famous New Mexico haven for birds and other wildlife. It was...
New Mexico Magic MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ GORGEOUS OIL PAINTING “NEW MEXICO MAGIC”: Bernie painted all over New Mexico. He found many different kinds of natural scenes and a wide variety of human-related subjects. One thing he most...
Aspen Patterns MARTHA MARKS NOTES ABOUT BERNARD MARKS’ STRIKING “ASPEN PATTERNS”: Bernie painted so many “named” places that it’s easy to forget he also tackled generic subjects like “Aspen Patterns,” a brilliantly...
Early Snow in Colorado MARTHA MARKS NOTES ABOUT BERNARD MARKS’ BIG, VERTICAL “EARLY SNOW IN COLORADO”: “Early Snow in Colorado” is one of my favorite “Bernie pieces.” If not my absolute favorite, it’s pretty darn close....
Canyon de Chelly Homecoming MARTHA MARKS COMMENTS ON BERNARD MARKS’ UNUSUAL OIL PAINTING “CANYON DE CHELLY HOMECOMING”: In “Canyon de Chelly Homecoming,” one of Bernie’s final oil paintings, he departs in a notable way from his...
Canyon de Chelly in Autumn BERNARD MARKS WROTE ABOUT HIS REAL-LIFE PAINTING “CANYON DE CHELLY IN AUTUMN”: “Canyon de Chelly in Autumn” is a very meaningful piece for me. Just visiting this remarkable place impacted me emotionally. The...